Top 10 Fruits to increase platelets

Top 10 Fruits to increase platelets

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We all know how beneficial fruits are to our health. They aid in the healing of a variety of conditions and increase our immunity to germs and bacteria that attack our bodies. Certain meals can help a person’s platelet count naturally rise. Vitamin C, in particular. Vitamin C is essential for immunological function and is found in many fruits and vegetables.

Human blood contains a variety of cells that perform separate tasks. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are among the cell lines. Platelets are cells that help the blood clot in a scenario where we cut ourselves or experience any other type of hemorrhage.

Your platelets will clump together and work more efficiently if you take vitamin C. It also aids in the absorption of iron, which may aid in the rise of platelet counts. Fruits such as Strawberries, Papayas, grapefruit, kiwis, Guava, and other citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which is necessary for increasing platelet concentration in the blood. It is critical to regulating protein and vitamin levels to boost platelet production. You may drink juice, create a smoothie, or eat a salad with it to gain the advantages. However, to harvest the utmost nutrition, one must consume these fruits raw.

We must be physically fit for our platelets to operate properly. Conversely, under some circumstances, the platelet count might drop rapidly, posing a risk to one’s general health. Low platelet counts can cause severe bleeding inside the intestines or around the brain, as well as mild bleeding from small wounds and bruises. Thus it is critical to understand how to boost platelet count naturally or with pharmaceuticals.

What fruits increase the platelet count?

  • Cantaloupe
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Kiwi
  • Guava
  • Lemons
  • Blackcurrants
  • American Persimmons (Sugar Plum)
  • Strawberries
  • Papayas
  • Leeches

Increasing platelet count only by food and exercise is tough. Specific illnesses, such as dengue fever and viral influenza, may necessitate the systemic administration of platelets in the course of a platelet transfusion to reestablish adequate platelet concentrations. nevertheless, if you’re seeking a sustainable way to boost platelet levels, the fruits listed above should be of considerable assistance.

  • Cantaloupe – Vitamin C is abundant in cantaloupe, with a standard size cantaloupe containing 202.6 mg and a single slice containing 25.3 mg.  
  • Citrus Fruits – Vitamin C content is high in raw citrus fruits. A medium orange has 70 milligrams of vitamin C, whereas a grapefruit has 56 milligrams. Citrus fruit juices have considerably more vitamin C in them, with a 225 ml glass of orange juice containing roughly 125 mg.
  • Kiwi – The majority of the maximum daily intake is contained in one serving of kiwi fruit. Incorporating kiwi into a vitamin A-deficient diet has also been demonstrated to be beneficial.
  • Guava – The vitamin C content of single guava is 126 milligrams. It’s particularly high in lycopene, an antioxidant. The tropical fruit with pink pulp is native to Mexico and the South of America.
  • Lemons Scurvy was prevented by giving lemons to sailors in the 1700s. Vitamin C is found in 83 mg per full raw lemon, including the skin. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties.
  • Blackcurrants The vitamin C content of half a cup of blackcurrants is 101 mg. Anthocyanins are antioxidant flavonoids that contribute their rich, darkish hue.
  • America persimmons (Sugar Plum) – Persimmons is an orangish fruit with a tomato-like appearance. There are numerous variations to choose from. Even though the Japanese persimmon is by far commercially recognized, the native American persimmon has about 10 times the amount of vitamin C. The vitamin C content of one American persimmon is 16.5 milligrams.
  • Strawberries The vitamin C content of one cup of strawberry lobes is 89 milligrams. Strawberries possess a wide range of antioxidants, including vitamin C, manganese, flavonoids, folate, and other phytonutrients.
  • Papayas Vitamin C is contained in one cup (145 grams) of papaya.
  • Leeches – The squidgy, crimson Chinese fruit is low in excessive fat and salt and has 40% extra vitamin C compared to an orange.
fruits to increase platelets

Why platelets are very important?

Platelets are a vital component of human blood. Platelets are little blood cells that assist the body to cease bleeding by forming clumps. When a major artery in your body is injured, it transmits messages to blood platelets. Platelets rush to the damaged area and construct a plug-like clot to repair the injury.

They are primarily in charge of tissue repair, blood clotting, and wound healing. Only microscopes can view these cells, which are not apparent to the human eye. In their inactive state, platelet cells seem to be in the shape of tiny plates. In the event of an injury, these platelets adhere to the injured vessel’s location and form a clot to prevent additional bleeding. As a result, maintaining a normal platelet count is critical.

Adhesion is the mechanism of a substance extending over the edge of a ruptured bloodstream to halt leaking. That is as platelets develop soggy digits that assist them to cling to one another when they reach the damaged region. Biochemical impulses are also sent out to recruit additional platelets. Aggregation is the method through which more platelets build upon the clot. Low platelet numbers can contribute to rapid bruises and recurrent bleeding of the mouth, nose, and Gastrointestinal tract, while many platelets can result in blood clotting, which is commonly connected to cardiac vulnerability. A typical platelet concentration for every microliter of blood varies from 150,000 to 450,000.

Blood cells are divided into three types: platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells. Megakaryocytes are cells that generate platelets in the bone marrow. Platelets produce a clot when a blood artery tears, sealing the tear and stopping the bleeding. This is a multi-step procedure that involves the following steps:

  • Adhesion: Platelets rush to the bleeding site as the initial stage in the process. If you cut your finger and break a blood vessel, for example, it will bleed. Platelets within the damaged artery begin connecting to the injury site to block the blood flow. They then send forth chemical signals requesting assistance.
  • Aggregation: More platelets respond to the request and begin to link with one another to form a clot in the following stage.
  • Coagulation: Platelets clump together at the wound site and form a coagulation cascade, which seals the blood artery shut. Fibrin, a structural protein, connects platelets and knits the clot together. The scab on a cut is made up of fibrin.

Can kiwi increase the platelets count in the body?

fruits to increase platelets

The edible berry of numerous varieties of herbaceous vineyards in the family Actinidia is known as kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry. When compared to 27 other fruits, the kiwi fruit has the highest nutritious content. It contains double the amount of Vitamin C and twice the quantity of nutrients as oranges and has twice the amount of nutrients as apples.

Numerous researches have been conducted to see if kiwi may aggregate platelet count. Nevertheless, there is no solid experimental evidence that eating kiwi increases platelet number. However, kiwi consumption has been scientifically demonstrated to reduce the risk of cardiac illnesses, particularly platelet hyperactivity. Many human investigations are underway to determine the impact of kiwi fruit intake on platelet aggregation.

According to some medical professionals, the antioxidant qualities of kiwi help to stop the platelet destruction cycle. Our bodies can be seriously harmed by platelet breakdown. When kiwi slows down the degradation of platelets, it causes a rise in platelet count. Consumption of kiwi fruit is advantageous in the early phases of low platelet count, when it may be avoided. Furthermore, there is no major scientific confirmation for this study.

Kiwi also contains a lot of vitamin C, potassium, and iron. A lack of these minerals might contribute to a reduction in platelet count. As a result, eating kiwi will keep the body’s need for these nutrients in check and avoid platelet loss. Kiwi intake has been proven to dramatically increase vitamin C levels in humans in several studies. Furthermore, kiwi eating has no anti-nutrient qualities or negative side effects. It’s a super fruit that boosts immunity and improves overall health. As a result, there is no risk in eating kiwi for any purpose.